Shareholders of the «Adamant» company, E.M. Guryevich, and M.V. Bazhenov gave support to the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater
In the new 97th theatre season, shareholders of the «Adamant» holding company Mikhail Victorovich Bazhenov and Evgeniy Mikhailovich Guryevich provided support to the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, in the organization of the «Remote Petersburg» project, as well as preparations for the new play by director A. Moguchiy, «Chto Delat?» (What to do?). «Remote Petersburg» is not just a play, it’s a fascinating attraction, a play-journey through Petersburg. «Remote Petersburg» is a part of the worldwide «Remote X» project, participants of which are the biggest cities of the world: Berlin, Vienna, Avignon, Lisbon, Bangalor, San Paolo.