Adamant supported the "Hello, School!" holiday for orphans of St. Petersburg


The theatrical performance "Hello, School!" was held on August 29, 2018, as part of the “Planet of Happiness and Love!” program.

The event was organized by the regional public charitable movement Bolshaya Medveditsa (Big Dipper) together with the Licedei Theatre, with the support of Adamant Holding Company.

The event was attended by 320 disabled children, orphans, children of law enforcement officers who died in the performance of their military or service duties and children from large and low-income families.

The concert was performed before the young audience by pop singer and actress Elena Vaenga, theater and film actor Anvar Libabov, State dance ensemble Barynya, dance ensemble Yuny Leningradits, circus studio BEMS and other artists and creative groups. Also, the children were given useful gifts - school supplies. Anna Mityanina, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg, congratulated the children on the coming academic year.

We hope that the children will start the new academic year with excellent grades and finish it with great achievements!