Our Congratulations to the President of Adamant Сompany, Mr. Igor M. Leytis, on his Birthday!


Dear Igor Mikhailovich,

On the day of your birthday all collective body of Holding Company “Adamant” congratulates you on your birthday and pays its obeisance and respect to you as a Honorary Builder, a wise leader, a true Petersburger, made incontestable contribution to the development of our city. We also esteem your personal and professional contribution to foundation and achievements of the Holding “Adamant”. Working under your direction we face the company’s future with confidence as Adamant is upswing and stable in its leading positions in many directions of its business activity. Now Adamant is one of the biggest and major holding companies not only in St. Petersburg but all over north-western region of Russia as well. The company owes its success at first to its President as due to his inexhaustible perseverance, professional skills and discipline of excellence Adamant holds pride of place among the leading Russian companies.

We wish you a robust health, happiness and prosperity! Let the good luck be your faithful helpmate inspiring you to new triumphs and achievements!

Yours faithfully,

Collective of Holding Company “Adamant”