Many happy returns of Birthday to Igor Mikhailovich Leitis, the President of Holding Company Adamant!
Dear Igor Mikhailovich!
For Your Birthday all collective body of Holding Company Adamant sincerely wishes you to be healthy, happy, prosperous and successful! Good luck in all projects!
On behalf of all company allow us to express our respect and esteem to you as one of the founders of Adamant company whose personal and professional features inspire us to new achievements! We should like specially note that much of it is the President to whom the company owes its success and due to his shoreless persistence, invaluable personal and professional contribution the company became the leader of commercial real estate market in St. Petersburg today! Now Adamant is not only the major network of 19 shopping and entertainment centres in St. Petersburg but it is also a great number of production and construction companies, public services and catering enterprises and many other types of activities as well.
We feel a great pride and honor working under your leadership in Adamant company, one of the biggest and upswing companies of north-western region which continues its gaining in scope, developing and moving forward! We wish you a success in your fruitions, new ideas and their successful realization! Let all your personal and professional prospects come true in full!
Yours faithfully,
Collective body of Holding Company Adamant